Cellular Towers

The City of Medicine Hat is not the approving authority for telecommunication antennas, and has limited input about location. Since telecommunication towers are critical to Canada's economy and national security, a federal agency known as ISEDC approves development and operation of these structures.

To learn more about Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, visit:


City review process

 Process for telecom antenna structures
Proposed location
  • A wireless service provider submits a request to the City's Planning & Development Services department for review of the proposed tower location and public consultation plan.


Building/electrical requirements
  • A Building Permit is not required for the tower itself. If there will be an accessory building on the site over 10m2, an application for a Building Permit is required.
  • Any proposed electrical work for a building requires an Electrical Permit.
  • If the site does not currently have electrical service, a commercial electric service application is required.

The Land Use Bylaw does not include specific requirements for cellular towers. Planning staff therefore reviews and evaluates telecommunication tower proposals based on land use planning criteria, including items like:

  • Proposed location
  • Proximity to residential development
  • Compliance with the Municipal Development Plan regarding historic sites and sensitive environmental areas
  • Existing and proposed on-site uses and structures
  • Adjacent sites and their existing and proposed uses and structures
  • Co-location potentials on the site and on nearby sites with other antenna structures
  • Design aspects of the proposal

After a review of the proposal, the City then submits a letter of support or non-support to the service provider. If the cellular tower does not conflict with existing city infrastructure, the location will likely be supported.

In cases where the City does not support a proposal, it cannot prevent a proponent from ultimately gaining permission from ISEDC to install the tower, even if it contravenes the City's recommendations.

 Lease agreement

If the City owns the land where the tower is proposed, the City may impose conditions on the development of the tower through the lease agreement with the wireless provider.

Any lease agreement between a private landowner and the wireless provider is the responsibility of those two parties.

Once public consultation commitments have been met by the wireless service provider, and required building and electrical permits are approved, installation/construction may commence.

How to apply

 How to apply
 Planning review

 Submit proposal for telecommunications tower. Attach professional drawings of the proposed site/tower.

Telecommunications tower application

Complete this form and email to Planning and Development Services.

After planning approval is issued, proceed to step 2:
 Apply for building/electrical permits
  • If there is a proposed accessory building over 10m2 in area, submit an application for a Building Permit.
  • If there will be electrical installations for a building, submit an application for an Electrical Permit.

Apply online

New to ePermit?
See user guide

If new electric service to site is needed:

If the site requires a new City electric service, also complete the form below, and submit as indicated on the form:


Payment methods

Online or phone:

  • Visa or Mastercard


  • Debit
  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Visa or Mastercard


  • Cheque

For a complete list of planning application fees, see:

Fees and Charges

Public consultation

In certain cases, the federal government may require a service provider to consult with the municipality and the public regarding a proposed location of a telecommunication tower. The City of Medicine Hat is not authorized to impose such requirements, nor does it facilitate such public consultations.

For information on expressing your thoughts about telecommunications antennas, visit:

Facts about towers

Wellness concerns

The City of Medicine Hat does not evaluate proposals for telecommunication antenna structures with respect to health and radio frequency exposure issues.


For questions regarding potential health or comfort issues related to cell towers, cell phones and radio frequencies, please refer to these Government of Canada resources: