Working Near Electrical Equipment

If you or your company are working near power lines in or around Medicine Hat, follow these guidelines for your safety and the safety of our customers, employees and the environment.

Guidelines for working in proximity to power lines (yellow book)

Overhead line requirements

The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code mandates that if work or operating equipment comes within seven meters of an overhead power line the company must contact the supply authority to determine the voltage and establish the safe limit of approach distance as regulated by Alberta Electrical Utility Code.

Within the City's franchise territory, our electric utility department will determine the safe limits of approach and provide an orientation for those working in proximity to power lines. Staff will document and discuss safety measures that must be taken to keep the workplace and all onsite workers safe from electrical hazards.

Underground line requirements

If you are planning to dig or disturb the ground in any way, it is important to find out what is buried below ground. You must submit a locate request.

Line locates

When performing electric locates, we will identify the safe limits of approach to buried facilities. Should work be required closer than permissible on the locates (such as crossing a buried line), contact us in advance of the work to find solutions and possibly execute a proximity to powerlines orientation for those doing the work. Staff will document and discuss safety measures that must be taken to keep the workplace and all onsite workers safe from the electrical hazards.

When is an Electric Proximity Safety Plan required?

  • Underground primary cables: The locate process will indicate if an Electric Proximity Safety Plan is required. When there is a “CONFLICT” stamp from City of Medicine Hat Electric on the locate slip, or marks on the ground indicating buried primary cables, then no mechanical excavation work is to be undertaken under any circumstances within one (1) meter on either side of the location markers. Excavations outside this buffer zone may proceed but should work be required within this zone an Electric Proximity Safety Plan is required. 
  • Underground transmission cables: When there is a “CONFLICT” transmission indicated on the City of Medicine Hat Electric locate slip, or marks on the ground indicating buried transmission cables, then no mechanical excavation work is to be undertaken under any circumstances within 10 meters on either side of the location markers. An Electric Proximity Safety Plan is required. 
  • Overhead systems: If work is done or equipment is operated within seven (7) meters of an overhead power line within the City of Medicine Hat Service area, an Electric Proximity Safety Plan is required.  
  • Digging around a power pole: Do not dig within seven (7) meters of a City power pole without an Electric Proximity Safety Plan. The orientation process will determine the safest way to do the work and if the pole will need to be held. 

Request an Electric Proximity Safety Plan

High Load Moves

If you are moving a load with a height of 5.3m or higher, the Alberta Electrical Utility Code requires drivers to contact the electrical utility. You can request an escort through our service territory by filling out this form. Please note that we require ten (10) business days to process and up to forty (40)  days depending on height and route which may require a transmission line outage. Fees for this service are outlined in the request form.

High Load Request

Work safely

To assist workers in acting safely when near electrical lines and equipment and to reduce the number of accidental contacts with electrical equipment, please review the following links:


The City of Medicine Hat provides the information found on the above Public Safety pages for informational purposes only. The user or viewer of the information assumes all risk for the use of this site.