
Bylaws in force

The Bylaws available on the City of Medicine Hat website are for general information only and are not an exhaustive list. We cannot guarantee their completeness or correctness. Find the most current version of any bylaw by searching our corporate records database or hit the "Search all bylaws" button near the bottom of this page. For a certified copy of any bylaw, or if you are having difficulty finding a particular one, please email

Home and property

Clean Energy Improvement Tax To establish a Clean Energy Improvement Program #4708

Electric Utility

To regulate and control the generation, distribution and use of electrical energy in the service area of the City of Medicine Hat's Electric Utility as designated by the Alberta Utilities Commission.


Electronic Communications, Tax and Assessment

For the purpose of establishing a process for
sending assessment and taxation notices, documents and other information by electronic means.



Gas Utility

To regulate and control production, distribution and use of natural gas in the Service Area of the City of Medicine Hat's Gas Utility.



To regulate graffiti activities in relation to graffiti.


Manufactured Home Community Reporting

Regarding assessment of designated manufactured homes and reporting requirements for owners of manufactured home communities.


Property Tax

To authorize Council to impose a property tax for the year 2023 and to exempt certain property from taxation for the year 2023.


Responsible Animal Ownership

To regulate animals and activities in relation to them.



To regulate the use of Public and Private sewers and drains and the disposal of sewage and the discharge of waters and waste into the Medicine Hat sewer system.


Supplementary Assessment

To authorize the preparation of Supplementary Assessments during 2022.


Supplementary Property Tax

To authorize the Council of the City to impose a 2023 supplementary property tax.


Tax Arrears Instalment Payment Plan

To provide for the payment of taxes in arrears by instalments.


Tax Certificate

To establish fees for tax certificates and other information regarding assessments and taxes provided by the City's Assessment and Taxation Department.


Tax Discount

To provide incentives for payment of taxes and to provide for payments of interest on overpayment of taxes.


Tax Instalment Payment Plan

To provide for the payment of taxes by installments.


Tax Penalties

To impose penalties on unpaid taxes.


Unsightly Property

To promote the maintenance of property and to address unsightly property within the City of Medicine Hat.


Utility Deposit

To require deposits from certain utility consumers.


Utility Penalty

To impose a penalty on utility arrears Bylaw#3210 - to amend the Utilities Penalty Bylaw #1438.




To establish and maintain a system for the collection, removal, and disposal of ashes, garbage, refuse, and other waste in the City of Medicine Hat.


Water Service

Respecting water service.


Weed Control

To regulate and control weeds.


Roads and transportation

Municipal Airport Zoning Regulations

To regulate the use of lands adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Medicine hat Municipal Airport within the City for the purpose of ensuring that any use is not incompatible with the safe operation of the Airport.


Public Roads

To regulate and control the use of Highways

(Including: parking, use of streets (e.g., snow and ice clearing, pedestrians, cycling, vehicle operation and merchants), speed limits, heavy truck routes and protection of street surfaces.)


Transportation of Dangerous Goods

To designate the route and time of travel of vehicles transporting dangerous goods, and prohibiting the carriage of dangerous goods on those highways specified in the bylaw.



To develop an integrated transportation system designed to service the needs of the City of Medicine Hat.


Community safety

Community Noise Standards

To regulate noise.


Emergency Management

Respecting Emergency Management.


Outdoor Burning

To reduce the risk of uncontrolled fires and nuisances that may arise from certain outdoor burning practices.


Public Safety

To regulate public behavior.


School Bus Alternately Flashing Red Lights and Stop Arm

To regulate the use or operation of alternately flashing red lights and the stop arms on school buses within the City of Medicine Hat.


Outdoor Smoking and Vaping

To prohibit smoking in outdoor public places.


Parks and recreation


To provide for and make provision for the improvement, maintenance, management, control and operation of Public Cemeteries.


Combative Sports

To establish a commission to regulate and control combative sports in the City of Medicine Hat.



To provide for the regulation of parks and recreational areas.


Tree Preservation

To protect Public Trees and prevent the spread of tree-related diseases in Medicine Hat, such as Dutch Elm Disease.


Business and development

Amusement Arcade and Billiard Room To license and regulate certain businesses (amusement arcades, amusement machine distributors, and billiard halls) #2300

Escort Service

To regulate escorts and agencies.



To regulate Fire Services.



To regulate and control the sale and discharging of fireworks within the City of Medicine Hat.


Land Use

To regulate and control or prohibit the use and development of land and buildings within the City in accordance with the provisions of the Act.



To control and regulate businesses and industries within the City of Medicine Hat.


Off-Site Levy

To establish an off-site levy.

Schedule "E" CORVUS Off-Site Levy Review


#4157 Schedule E

Pawnbrokers & Secondhand Dealers

To regulate pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers.


Remembrance Day

To require the closing of certain shops and businesses on Remembrance Day.


Safety Codes Permit

To establish the application procedure and fees for permits issued or any other material or service provided pursuant to the Safety Codes Act, the Regulations and this Bylaw.


Subdivision & Development Appeal Board

To establish a subdivision and development appeal board.


Subdivision Authorities

To establish a subdivision authority.


Tax Incentive

To provide for partial exemptions from taxation under Part 10, Division 2 of the MGA, pursuant to sections 364.1 and 364.2 of the MGA.


Tri-Area Intermunicipal Development Plan

To adopt the Cypress County, Town of Redcliff and City of Medicine Hat Tri-Area Intermunicipal Development Plan.


Vehicle for Hire

To license, regulate and control Vehicles for Hire.




Administrative Organization

Establishes the organizational structure of the City's administrative team.


Assessment Review Board

To establish a local assessment review board and a composite assessment review board.


Community Vibrancy Advisory Board

To establish a Community Vibrancy Advisory Board.


Council Code of Conduct

To establish a code of conduct for members of Council.


Dishonoured Payment Fee

To authorize the levying of a charge for dishonoured payments.


Heritage Savings Reserve

To establish a Heritage Savings Reserve.


Interest Charge on Unpaid General Accounts

To fix an interest charge on unpaid general accounts.


Municipal Development Plan

The Council of the City of Medicine Hat has revised its Municipal Development Plan so that it meets the changing needs of the City. This bylaw is to adopt a Municipal Development Plan.


Municipal Planning Commission

To establish a Municipal Planning Commission.


Municipal Police Commission

To establish a Municipal Police Commission.



To set the procedures of meetings and to establish certain Council committees as well as their functions and procedures.


Records Management

To provide for the management, retention

and disposition of municipal records and documents.


Proposed bylaws

These bylaws have been or will be introduced for first reading by City Council. 

Land Use Bylaw Amendment To amend Bylaw 4168, the Land Use Bylaw. #4841


Bylaw enforcement

The Medicine Hat Police Service handles all Bylaw reports and complaints.

Bylaw Enforcement


Under the Canadian Constitution, the provinces have the authority to delegate certain law-making powers to municipalities, who may pass bylaws within the municipal jurisdiction.

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How to use the "search all bylaws" tool
 Bylaw search
 Enter known information about the Bylaw
  • Screen shot of search screen in corporate databaseDates: If known, enter the date range for the Bylaw. Use the calendar icons to select a specific range.
  • Bylaw Number: If known, enter the Bylaw number
  • Bylaw Type: Bylaws are organized based on type, to limit your search results, pick a Bylaw type from the drop down list.
  • Bylaw Description: To search for the description of a Bylaw, enter text. Partial descriptions can be searched with a wild card eg. *fire*
  • Bylaw Amend Number: If known, enter the Bylaw amend number.
 Click Search to perform your query
 Search results will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
 Click the document to open it