Crescent Heights Gas Main Extension
Project Description
The City of Medicine Hat is extending a main gas line in Crescent Heights along the outside south and west boundaries of McCutcheon Drive NW. We are extending the large low-pressure line (less than 100 pounds per square inch) in order to retire aging gas mains and redirect the flow of natural gas to reduce reliance on crossing the South Saskatchewan River.
The project will move along quickly so no phasing plans are in place.
Timing and Traffic/Trail Accommodations
Construction begins the week of September 11, 2023 and is expected to conclude in October 2023.
The traffic detour plans will vary depending on the location of the active construction zone, impacting only one lane on 12 Street NE in Crescent Heights and 1.5 blocks on Fourth Avenue NW in Riverside.
The work will mostly impact pedestrian use of McCutcheon Trail as portions of the trail will open and close as the active work zone progresses. Signage will clearly inform pedestrians that the trail is closed ahead. Adventurers may choose to turn back, or go 'off-trail' to maneuver around the fenced work zone to continue their walk.
The $1.4 million project will:
- improve natural gas deliver to residents in Crescent Heights and Riverside
- reduce reliance on gas lines crossing the South Saskatchewan River (which are costly and disruptive when requiring repair)
- retire aging infrastructure by redirecting gas flows
Local residents near the work area have and will continue to receive direct communication via hand-delivered notices or property visits from the City or contractor if access to personal property is restricted. There are no anticipated outages or impacts to water, sewer, natural gas or power services.
Necessary public updates about the project will be shared through the City's social media accounts and on this webpage.
Construction signs will be posted in the area where crews are working. In the case of McCutcheon Trail, 'construction ahead' signs will alert pedestrians that their path will be disrupted. Please use caution around any equipment in the area.
Perimeter fencing will be placed along any active construction zone with deep excavation.