Nomination Period

January 1 to September 22, 2025

The nomination period is January 1, 2025 to September 22, 2025 at noon. Nomination papers can be filed with the Returning Officer or Substitute Returning Officer any time during this period, by attending at the City Clerk's office, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 580 1st St SE, Medicine Hat T1A 8E6 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. All candidates must give written notice of their intention to run before accepting campaign contributions or incurring expenses. This includes contributions from your own funds to your own campaign. See Section 147.22 of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) for more information.

Nomination Day

Nomination Day is September 22, 2025. It is the last day for filing nomination papers for Mayor and Councillor offices. On Nomination Day, nomination papers will be accepted from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon, Monday September 22, 2025 in Council Chambers, City Hall 580 1st St SE, Medicine Hat T1A 8E6.

Reminder: if you will be collecting campaign contributions or incurring a campaign expense you MUST file your nomination papers before you accept the contribution or incur the expense.

Nomination forms and filing of forms with the Returning Officer

Nomination Forms are included in the Nomination Package, found on the Municipal Candidates and School Board Candidates pages.

It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure the form is completed correctly. The Returning Officer is required to reject a candidate's nomination form if it has not been completed correctly. Your form must:

  • Be the form provided in this package.
  • Be signed by a minimum of 25 eligible electors.
  • Include an affidavit stating that you are eligible to be a candidate in the election.
  • Nomination papers may be handed in by any person, but will not be accepted by email, mail or fax.
  • Nomination papers may be examined by any elector during regular business hours and in the presence of the Returning Officer, or designate(s). A list of nominees will be posted on the City's website.
  • No cash deposit is required.
  • Municipal candidates are required to acknowledge the requirement to read and comply with the municipality's Code of Conduct for Council members.

Who can sign my Nomination Form?

Everyone who signs your nomination form must be eligible to vote in this election. Please refer to the Voter Information page.

Is it possible to withdraw my nomination?

The deadline for withdrawal is before 12:00 noon on September 23, 2025 (24 hours after close of the nomination period). Your notice of withdrawal must be submitted in person, in writing, to the Returning Officer. Faxed or emailed notices of withdrawal are NOT accepted. Your nomination cannot be withdrawn after the 24-hour deadline has passed, and your name will appear on the ballot. Additionally, you can only withdraw your nomination if, at the close of Nomination Day, the number of remaining candidates meets the positions in the race. In other words, if you are the only candidate running for Mayor, you cannot withdraw your nomination. If you are running for Councillor with 8 seats and there are only eight nominated candidates, no candidate may withdraw s. 32 LAEA. Candidates who withdraw must still file a disclosure statement.