Sponsorship and Donations

Corporate partnerships

We are actively pursuing sponsorship and naming rights at numerous city-owned facilities.

This initiative offers individuals, businesses, corporations, foundations and community groups an opportunity to sponsor a wide variety of city facilities, services, programs and events. Advertising and other recognition opportunities are also available. 

Custom built partnership opportunities are available and may include:

  • Naming rights
  • Program and service sponsorship 
    • Arts and culture
    • Parks and recreation
    • Seniors
    • Transit
    • Environmental stewardship
  • Capital developments and improvements
  • Special events
  • Advertising and marketing 
  • Brand association and recognition

Discover a wide variety of custom-built sponsorship opportunities within the City.

Flowerbed sponsorship

Flowerbed sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses, service clubs and individuals at various locations throughout the city.

The following flowerbed options include:

  • Premium Flowerbed: A raised flowerbed with a cemented border including installed signage ($1,750 /year).
  • Standard Flowerbed: An "in-ground" flowerbed in a turf grass area ($1,250 /year).

Please contact Parks and Recreation at (403) 529-8333 or parks@medicinehat.ca for any questions or inquiries.  

Memorial Arboretum

The Arboretum is a special site where trees are planted to memorialize the loss of a loved one, a birth, an anniversary or a special occasion. The Arboretum encourages Environmental Stewardship and knowledge about Urban Forests.

Memorial Arboretum application

The Medicine Hat Memorial Arboretum is located at the Corner of Factory Street SE and South Railway Street SE.

Anyone who wishes to honor someone special or an occasion may have a tree planted.

The annual tree planting ceremony which is typically held in early June, each year. A plaque is provided for each contributor to place on the plaque wall.

Deadline to purchase is February 1 of each year, to be included in the following year's planting ceremony.

Park furniture program

Please note: The Memorial bench and table program has been postponed for 2024. Learn more.


Terms and conditions


The purpose of the Park Furniture Sponsorship Program is to provide the opportunity for citizens to honour loved ones, families or groups by having a piece of Park Furniture, with a plaque, installed on City of Medicine Hat, Parks and Recreation property.

Terms and conditions

The City of Medicine Hat reserves the right to accept Parks Furniture Sponsorships Applications on a first come, first serve basis. Eligible park furniture locations include trails, parks and green spaces that are municipally owned within the City of Medicine Hat boundaries. Approval or denial of installation locations is at the sole discretion of the Parks and Recreation Department.

The following factors will be considered on site selections:

  • Existing park furniture in the area
  • Access for pedestrian and bicycle movement around the park furniture
  • Access for equipment and personnel
  • Any other site considerations such as ground slope, flooding potential, aesthetics, etc.

Sponsorships include a plaque of a $50 value and are limited to a standard size of 2 inches by 8 inches.

If an Applicant’s plaque exceeds the $50 limit they will be responsible for any additional costs. All plaques must be ordered through Simply Signs (825-406-1156) to ensure uniformity in design and appearance.

Applications are only considered complete when the location of the park furniture, dedication and inscription are approved by the Parks and Recreation Department. All inscriptions are subject to review.

The City reserves the right to refuse any application, dedication or inscription that it deems inappropriate.

Park Furniture colour is at the sole discretion of the Parks and Recreation Department. Full payment is required prior to installation of Park Furniture. An income tax receipt will be issued for each sponsorship. 


The City of Medicine Hat is responsible for:

  • Administering the Park Furniture Sponsorship Program in accordance with the Terms and Conditions
  • Working with applicants to select appropriate sites for park furniture installation
  • Perpetual care and maintenance of park furniture
  • Furniture will be placed in accordance to time and order in which applications are received.

Applicants are responsible for:

  • Completing and submitting the required application form to the Parks and Recreation Department
  • Working with the Parks and Recreation Department for a mutually agreed upon site location for Park Furniture installation
  • Paying the applicable Park Furniture Sponsorship fee prior to installation
Furniture types

Rendering of blue steel park benchBenches
Constructed of vinyl coated seat and back with heavy tubular steel frames.
Length: 1.5 meters
Cost: $1,400

Rendering of steel picnic tableTables
Constructed of one-piece, vinyl-coated perforated steel and frame is powder-coated galvanized steel.
Length: 1.5m (5')
Accessible designs also available
Cost: $1,750