Sponsorship and Donations
Corporate partnerships |
We are actively pursuing sponsorship and naming rights at numerous city-owned facilities. This initiative offers individuals, businesses, corporations, foundations and community groups an opportunity to sponsor a wide variety of city facilities, services, programs and events. Advertising and other recognition opportunities are also available. Custom built partnership opportunities are available and may include:
Discover a wide variety of custom-built sponsorship opportunities within the City. |
Flowerbed sponsorship |
Flowerbed sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses, service clubs and individuals at various locations throughout the city. The following flowerbed options include:
Please contact Parks and Recreation at (403) 529-8333 or parks@medicinehat.ca for any questions or inquiries. |
Memorial Arboretum |
The Arboretum is a special site where trees are planted to memorialize the loss of a loved one, a birth, an anniversary or a special occasion. The Arboretum encourages Environmental Stewardship and knowledge about Urban Forests. Memorial Arboretum application The Medicine Hat Memorial Arboretum is located at the Corner of Factory Street SE and South Railway Street SE. Anyone who wishes to honor someone special or an occasion may have a tree planted. The annual tree planting ceremony which is typically held in early June, each year. A plaque is provided for each contributor to place on the plaque wall. Deadline to purchase is February 1 of each year, to be included in the following year's planting ceremony. |
Park furniture program |
Please note: The Memorial bench and table program has been postponed for 2024. Learn more.