Food Waste Collection Pilot Program

One of the goals from the 2023 to 2032 Waste Management Strategy is to develop a food waste collection pilot program. By including food waste to the current yard waste collection program, should the pilot program be successful, the City can expand to a city-wide organics collection and composting program.

The pilot program is considered a success seeing a 30% reduction in food waste disposed of in the garbage, as well as 83% of the pilot participants indicating that they would participate in a city-wide program. The pilot program concluded December 31, 2024. 

Photo of a food waste compost bucketThe food waste collection pilot program involved nearly 4,000 participating residents located in 15 waste collection routes throughout the city.

In April 2024, one kitchen bucket for collecting food waste items, to empty into the green organics cart, was delivered to the participating residents with detailed instructions and information for the pilot program. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Phase 3 Final Food Waste Pilot Survey! Keep an eye out for the winner of the Visa gift card draw and for the final report on what you had to say about food waste management in Medicine Hat!

icons of various foods and vegetation

Eligibility and guidelines

Map of food waste collection routes

Pilot program participant eligibility was based on: 

  • being a participant in the City’s seasonal yard waste collection program by having a green organics cart at the time of the program implementation, and
  • being located within one of the 15 waste collection routes selected for the pilot program.  

The set-out guidelines and collection day for the households participating in the food waste collection pilot program remained the same as with regular yard waste collection simply with the addition of food waste! Plus, the green organics carts in the pilot program routes continued to be collected until the end of December 2024. 

Download the Recycle Coach App or refer to the posted Waste Collection Schedule to find out when your next collection day is. 

Only participants in the pilot program routes were permitted to dispose of food waste in their green organics carts. Residents in the remaining routes in the City were asked to continue to adhere to the original set out standards for yard waste collection, ensuring that only acceptable leaf and yard waste materials were disposed of in the green organics cart.

Pilot program updates

Learn more about how the pilot program progressed here:

We want to hear from you!

Sign up or sign into your Shape Your City account to share feedback regarding the Food Waste Collection Pilot Program and engage with the project team members, pilot participants and the community on