Frequently Asked Questions

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I live outside of Medicine Hat. Am I eligible for the HAT Smart rebates?

Yes, provided you have an active City of Medicine Hat residential utility account (relevant to the rebate for which you are applying) and receive a utility statement each month. For example, if you are applying for a rebate on Solar Electric Panels, you must receive an electric bill from the City of Medicine Hat.

Note: The City's water customers are all within the municipal boundaries, so outside customers are not eligible for the Water Conservation Incentive.

I live in a condo. Can I apply for a rebate?

Yes, if you personally receive a utility bill for water, electricity or natural gas from the City of Medicine Hat in your name. If your utilities are paid for through your condo fees or by the condo association, you are not eligible for HAT Smart rebates. The condo building itself is considered a commercial enterprise and is disqualified from the program.

Are there any HAT Smart rebates for commercial customers?

Sorry, there is no rebate funding available for commercial customers at this time. All funds for this program version are for residential customers.

How is rebate funding distributed?

Rebates are based on fully completed application forms and issued on a first come, first served basis.

How does HAT Smart track the rebates awarded?

Each rebate is tied to the location identification number of the residential address, which is why the account number is required on every application form.

Am I guaranteed to receive a rebate if I apply?

All applications are subject to approval by HAT Smart. A completed application form is NOT a guarantee of eligibility for a rebate under the program, nor payment of the rebate itself. Rebates are issued on a first come, first served basis of an approved complete application. 

Why was my application declined?

If your application was declined, either the project or item did not meet the eligibility criteria, was considered incomplete where required documentation was missing, it was received after the deadline, or Program funds were fully subscribed.

I reserved funds under the Existing Homes Incentive Program but now can't finish my project. What should I do?

If your project will not be complete by the deadline outlined in the terms and conditions, email HAT Smart to remove your application from the queue. We would appreciate this information as it allows funds to made available to other residents and projects in the waitlist. 

What if I want to complete additional projects but my initial Existing Homes Incentive application did not include this work?

If you decide to tackle additional projects, a new application to reserve funds is required and will be entered in the queue for processing based on the date it is submitted. The maximum rebate for combined applications is $5,000.

I lost my receipt. Can I still apply for the rebate?

In order to process your application, we require proof of payment for each receipt/invoice. Your contractor/installer can provide you with a copy.

Can I use receipts for items I purchased a while ago?

Yes, provided that the date on the receipt falls within the current Program year and/or the items are eligible under the incentive program that you are applying for. Terms and Conditions of the specific incentive program will apply.

I received rebates from previous HAT Smart programs. Can I still apply?

Yes. You are eligible to apply for each HAT Smart rebate provided you meet the current program criteria and do not exceed the maximum eligible amount. 

How much energy will I save by upgrading the windows in my home?

Refer to the Renovation Upgrade Report provided by your energy advisor.

What provincial or federal funding is available?

The HAT Smart team works hard to align available incentives with provincial and federal programs. For more information on available funding, please visit:

Natural Resources Canada: Grants and Financial Incentives

Clean Energy Improvement Program

How many rebates has HAT Smart given out?

Since our start-up in 2008, almost 16,000 rebates have been given out totaling over $5.25 million in incentives.