Property Information

Apply to obtain various types of information about properties within the city.

When considering a property purchase, it is important to find out if permits and inspections were completed on previous renovations. As a seller, verifying that all permits and inspections have been completed will help prevent delay of a transaction.

Compliance Certificates

A Compliance Certificate is a report from the City confirming that all buildings and structures on a property have met the regulations under the Land Use Bylaw and have appropriate Development Permits.

How to apply

Apply online

Apply online

New to ePermit?
See user guide

We can help you apply online. Contact us by email or phone (403) 529-8374.

How long will it take to approve?

Generally, you will receive a response within 7-10 business days.

Payment Methods


  • Visa or Mastercard

In person

  • Debit
  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Visa or Mastercard


  • Cheque

Fees and charges


An encroachment is any portion of a building, fence, driveway, retaining wall or other structure which extends over the property line.

What are the options for encroachments?

  1. Minor encroachments are usually allowed to remain as built with an Encroachment Agreement. The City may place conditions on any future alterations.
  2. If any encroachment is determined to cause a safety hazard or interfere with City maintenance, it must be removed at the owner's cost.
  3. In some cases where the land is surplus to the City's needs, there may be a choice to purchase the land from the City.

Please see the Encroachment Policy to manage existing encroachments, authorize Encroachment Agreements, and outline a fair way of dealing with those that must be removed.

Encroachment Policy

Encroachment Agreements

An Encroachment Agreement is a written confirmation between the City and an owner of a property which allows a structure that extends onto City or public property to remain in place.

Apply in person

To apply in person, come to Planning and Development Services (2nd floor, City Hall), and please have the following:

  • A letter of intent indicating why you are applying for an Encroachment Agreement, the property's municipal address and legal description (lot, block, plan), your contact information, and company name if applicable
  • A copy of a current Duplicate Certificate of Title for the property
  • A Real Property Report of the property, surveyed within 90 days of your application
  • Photographs showing the encroaching feature

How long will it take to approve?

Review may take up to six weeks, depending on complexity. If approved, the Encroachment Agreement will be provided to the property owner for signature(s). Once signed, it will take a couple more days to be executed.

If rejected, the property owner must remove the encroaching structure.

Payment Methods


  • Visa or Mastercard

In person

  • Debit
  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Visa or Mastercard


  • Cheque

Fees and charges

Other property information disclosures

These types of requests are helpful when buying or selling a property.

Zoning Certificate
Outlines the land use district of a property and if the existing structures are permitted or discretionary uses.
Permit Search

There are two options available for a Permit Search:

Permit copies provided - Copies of all permits related to the property are provided. A fee applies.

No Permit copies provided - A listed report of permits related to the property. A fee may apply.

How to Apply
To apply for a Zoning Certificate or Permit Search, send us an email with the following information:
  • Indicate that you are submitting a request for:
    • Zoning Certificate, or
    • Permit Search with permit copies, or
    • Simple permit report
  • Address of the site(s) and/or Legal Land Description
  • Applicant's full name, address and phone number.

We will contact you regarding the fee for your application.

How long will it take to approve?

Zoning Certificates and Permit Searches generally require 3-5 business days.

Payment methods


  • Visa or Mastercard


  • Debit
  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Visa or Mastercard


  • Cheque

Fees and Charges

Real Property Reports

A diagram prepared by a Certified Alberta Land Surveyor. Most real estate contracts require a seller to provide a Real Property Report to show the current state of the property and municipal compliance.

What does it include?

  • The legal description of the property
  • Dimensions of all property boundaries
  • Designation of adjacent properties, roads, lanes
  • Location and description of all relevant improvements on the property
  • Right-of-way or easements as noted on the title to the property at the date of the survey
  • Location and dimension of any visible encroachments onto, or off the property
  • Certification with the surveyor's seal

How to apply

If you need a Real Property Report or Survey Plan, contact a registered Alberta Land Surveyor. There is a charge for this service and rates vary by provider. The City does not recommend nor endorse any private surveying companies.

Environmental Information Search

Provides data about known environmental considerations of a parcel of land within the city. While it is not an all-inclusive search, the report consists of information from records within Planning & Development Services.

What does it include?

For an Environmental Information Search Request, the City of Medicine Hat will complete a search to support the completion of Environmental Site Assessments.

The search consists of Planning & Development files only, for the specific legal parcel or address requested.

Includes a summary of the following information about the property:

  • Development Permits
  • Land use records
  • Safety Codes records
  • Business License information 
How to apply

An Environmental Information Search Request may be completed at the request of a landowner.

To apply, send us an email with the following information:

  • Indicate that you are submitting an Environmental Information Search Request
  • Address of the site(s) and/or Legal Land Description
  • Full name and contact information of applicant
  • If applicant is working on behalf of the landowner, indicate landowner(s) full name, and that consent from the landowner(s) has been granted.

We will contact you regarding the fee for your application, and methods of payment.

Fees and charges

For further environmental information


There may be environmental information you wish to request from other departments in the City of Medicine Hat. You must submit these requests separately. Potentially, such City departments may include:

Address Change

Assigning or changing the number of a street address.

How to apply

Visit Planning & Development Services (2nd floor, City Hall) in person for assistance or send us an email. Provide your name, contact information and the details of your civic address change request.

If the address change can be accommodated, the change can occur. Once the fee is paid, the new address is circulated to City departments and you will receive written confirmation of the change.

Fee and payment methods

There is a non-refundable fee associated with an address change application, payable when you make the request.

  • Debit
  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Visa or Mastercard

Fees and Charges


City inspections ensure construction safety and compliance with safety codes. Pre-sale home inspections are done by private providers.

House with sold sign
Recent residential sales

View listings of residential title transfers in Medicine Hat from the past few years.

Unsafe derelict building
Report a property issue

Report a concern about a property in Medicine Hat. Submitted information is kept confidential.