Council Highlights April 17 2023

This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate. For full details, download the agenda package or watch the full meeting on the City of Medicine Hat’s YouTube channel.

Medicine Hat Curling Club Representatives Cal Hauserman Facility Co-Chair; Fred Weinheimer, Facility Co-chair; and Vicki Sjolie, Manager provided a presentation to Council requesting funding to make repairs to the Curling Club facility.

Robert Sissons, Manager of Planning, introduced Bylaw 4772, to rezone the subject lands (1482 5 Ave SE & 378/380 Kipling Street SE) and designated road right of way from Community Services to Medium Density Residential District. First reading occurred at the April 3 meeting of Council.

Following a public hearing, City Council passed Bylaw 4772.

Robert Sissons, Manager of Planning, introduced Bylaw 4782, to rezone the subject lands (170-192 Somerset Way SE) from Low Density Residential District to Medium Density Residential District. First reading occurred at the April 3 meeting of Council.

Following a public hearing, City Council passed Bylaw 4782.

Robert Sissons, Manager of Planning, introduced Bylaw 4783, a bylaw of the City of Medicine Hat to rezone the subject lands (840/844 Industrial Ave SE) from Mixed Use District to Open Space District. First reading occurred at the April 3 meeting of Council.

Following a public hearing, City Council passed Bylaw 4783.

Jaret Dickie, Manager of Municipal Business Support, and Jonathan Linowski, Business Analyst, introduced Bylaw 4708, the Clean Energy Improvement Tax Bylaw.

Following a non-statutory public hearing, City Council passed Bylaw 4708 and a motion to approve a new 2023 major operating expense budget for the program in the amount of $6.0M, which includes a $4.8M loan from Community Efficient Financing program, and $1.2M as an internal loan repayable to the City’s reserves. The bylaw is the first step in enabling a Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP) in Medicine Hat. The CEIP is a financing program that reduces barriers for property owners to install energy efficiency and renewable energy updates. Property owners can finance clean energy upgrades and pay the cost back through their property taxes. The bylaw authorizes the City to borrow up to $6 million for financing clean energy improvements, enables clean energy improvements to be made to eligible properties, and permits the City to levy a Clean Energy Improvement Tax on participating properties for the purpose of repayment.

Lola Barta, Director of Finance, and Sue Sterkenburg, City Assessor, introduced Bylaw 4779, the 2023 Property Tax Bylaw. Following the presentation, City Council gave first reading to Bylaw 4779 and approved a motion to direct staff to bring back further information on the options being considered related to the tax ratios included in this year’s property tax bylaw.

City Council postponed Bylaw 4780, the 2023 Supplementary Property Tax Bylaw, to the May 1, 2023 meeting of Council.

City Council adopted the minutes of the Audit Committee meeting of April 4, 2023 into the corporate record, and approved the following motions:

  • To approve the 2022 City of Medicine Hat Financial Statements.
  • To approve the reappointment of KPMG for the City of Medicine Hat annual audit engagement for the 2023 financial statements. 

City Council adopted the minutes of the Energy and Infrastructure Committee meeting of April 6, 2023 into the corporate record, and approved the following motions:

  • Increase of $130,000 to the City Operations - Building Services 2023 Capital Infrastructure Repair Program budget from $2,250,000 to $2,380,000, with the increase funding provided by ALERT, to facilitate the expansion of their office space at the Medicine Hat Police Service.
  • Increase of $52,311 to the City Operations - Building Services 2023 Capital Infrastructure Repair Program budget from $2,380,000 to $2,432,311 with the increased funding, provided by Enabling Accessibility Grant, to facilitate the replacement of the Kiwanis Centre (Elizabeth St. School) accessibility ramp.

City Council adopted the minutes of the Public Services Committee meeting of April 11, 2023 into the corporate record and approved a motion for a budget amendment in the amount of $133,170 funded from reserves, as presented, to support the hiring of a community inclusion coordinator with a focus on training, programming, consultation and relationship building as well as to provide advice and guidance on cultural matters.

City Council received the minutes of the Municipal Planning Commission meeting of April 12, 2023 for information and gave first reading to the following bylaws:

  • Bylaw 4778 to amend the Land Use Bylaw to rezone the subject lands (Lot 14, Block D, Plan 9911151) from Medium Density Residential District to Community Services District. A public hearing will occur at the May 1, 2023 meeting of City Council.
  • Bylaw 4784 to amend the Land Use Bylaw to rezone the subject lands (29 - 5 Street SE) from Medium Density Residential District to Low Density Residential District. A public hearing will occur at the May 1, 2023 meeting of City Council.

Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes

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