Water test results show no asbestos fibres in Medicine Hat water system

Medicine Hat – There are no detectable levels of asbestos in Medicine Hat’s drinking water according to test results from ALS Laboratory Group in Cincinnati, Ohio.

A recent episode of CTV network’s W5 program focused on the use of asbestos-cement (A-C) pipe in water distribution systems across Canada. Contributors claimed a potential public health issue if asbestos fibres from A-C pipe enter the water stream and were ingested. Information related to Medicine Hat’s water distribution system was included in the episode.

While there are no testing requirements in place for asbestos, local officials requested a baseline test of Medicine Hat’s drinking water. City staff collected samples from six approved sites on the distribution system on April 11, 2023 and received the test results within 10 days.

Residents can view the test results on the City’s website at medicinehat.ca/WaterPipes.

“Though there is no regulatory requirement that we test for asbestos in drinking water, this was a practical step to alleviate any concerns our residents may have had,” said Brad Maynes, managing director of Energy and Infrastructure. “These results should offer comfort to residents and confidence that Medicine Hat’s water distribution system meets or exceeds all regulations in delivering safe, clean drinking water to your homes and businesses.”

Pat Bohan, director of City Assets adds, “We monitor the condition of our water infrastructure closely and the A-C water mains in Medicine Hat are in excellent shape.”

At the end of 2022, about 32% or 136,065 linear metres of Medicine Hat's underground water pipes are made of asbestos-cement (A-C).

The City of Medicine Hat conducts more than 19,000 tests annually according to the regulations set forth by Health Canada, Alberta Health, the approval to operate a waterworks system through the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act under Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, and best practices outlined by the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association.

The City will not carry out further monitoring for asbestos until directed to do so by a regulatory body.

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