Off-Leash Dog Parks

Dog at Saratoga Dog Park

The City of Medicine Hat has two fully-fenced dog parks, as well as designated off-leash trails for dogs and their owners to enjoy.

Off-leash area review

Off-leash areas are an important community asset. Throughout the development of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, residents told us how important our natural areas and parks are to our community, including our environmental reserves and wildlife habitats. We also heard about conflicts between off-leash dogs and the people enjoying these open spaces.

As we continue to develop our off-leash policy and work to define appropriate off-leash areas, we want to hear from all perspectives on how we can identify and manage off-leash areas in a way which meets the needs of both dog-owners and others using our trails and outdoor spaces.

Read our latest report

Off-leash dog parks

Saratoga dog park

Located on Factory Street SE.

  • Fully-fenced
  • Potable water
  • Agility and balance structures
  • Benches
  • Dog waste bag dispensers
  • Garbage bins
  • Shade structures

WestVue dog park

Located on 11 Avenue SW, near the Gas City Campground.

  • Fully-fenced
  • Potable water
  • Benches
  • Dog waste bag dispensers
  • Garbage bins

Please note Saratoga and Westvue dog parks are open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Off-leash dog park rules

  • All persons using the park do so at their own risk
  • Please collect all dog waste immediately
  • Please fill all holes your pet digs
  • Owners must be in park to supervise and maintain control of dogs physically and verbally at all times
  • All dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations and rabies shots
  • All City of Medicine Hat resident pets must be licensed
  • Children under 13 are required to have supervision
  • Please leash your dog before entering and leaving the park
  • Glass containers are not permitted in the park
  • Off-leash area users are subject to the Responsible Animal Ownership Bylaw #3935 and Parks Bylaw #2527

Environmental reserves

These areas often border coulees, creeks and the river. Please be aware that some of these areas are home to various plant and wildlife species and may be environmentally sensitive.

Many environmental reserve/off-leash areas back onto residential properties. Many areas also have leisure trails running through them. This increases the risk of conflict between dogs and other trail users. It is important dogs remain under their owner's control at all times, on and off leash.

Please remember pet owners are responsible for picking up dog waste.

Responsible Animal Ownership Bylaw

Dogs, on or off-leash, are not allowed in the following areas:

  • Play structures
  • School grounds
  • Swimming areas/spray parks
  • Sports fields
  • Golf courses
  • Cemeteries