Pilot Information

Landing fees

Landing fees apply to all turbine/jet aircraft and all piston aircraft with a registered gross weight of three tonnes or greater.

Turbine/Jet Aircraft
Gross Weight
Rate/1,000 kg (tonne)Piston Aircraft
Gross Weight
Rate/1,000 kg (tonne) 

<21,000 kg


3,000 - 21,000 kg


21,001 - 45,000 kg


21,001 - 45,000 kg


>45,001 kg


>45,001 kg


General terminal fees

A general terminal fee applies to all aircraft using the terminal or public apron facilities.

Number of seatsPriceNumber of seatsPrice

0 – 7


46 - 60


8 – 15


61 - 89


16 – 25


90 - 125


26 – 45


126 - 150


Seat number is determined by the certified aircraft maximum seating capacity and does not include aircrew seats. Cargo flights can apply to the airport manager for an exemption.

A non-scheduled aircraft reporting its number of passengers can pay a passenger fee instead of the general terminal fee. Registered airport tenants are exempt from general terminal fees.

Aircraft parking fees

Aircraft parking fees apply to all aircraft parked over four hours on aprons, ramps and tie-down areas.

<2,000 kg $10.91 $85.95 $431.96
2001 - 10,000 kg $22.95 $206.06 $848.48
10,001 - 30,000 kg $34.16 - -
30,001 - 45,000 kg $47.38 - -
>45,001 kg $2.00/tonne - -


Passenger fees

Passenger fees apply to any flight where the operator attests in writing to the number of passengers enplaned and/or deplaned within seven days of the flight. A passenger is any person on board, not including active-duty crew members and infants. The fee for both an enplaning and deplaning passenger is $9.39.

Airport specifications

Medicine Hat Regional Airport (ICAO: CYXH, IATA: YXH) is operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is capable of supporting both VFR and IFR operations down to non-precision approach limits, and departures in visibilities down to ½ statute mile.

Please note, the information below is for general use only and not for navigational purposes. Consult the appropriate Nav Canada publications for more accurate and up-to-date information.

Runway data


Runway 03(032°)/21(212°) 5000' x 150' asphalt

Runway 09(095°)/27(275°) 2850' x 100' asphalt

Local time

UTC -7 (6)


2351ft ASL


N50 01 08 W110 43 14 , 2SW 13°E

Area control centre

Edmonton IFR, 1.888.358.7526 or 780.890.8304/8305



Type K (122.20 MHz when FSS closed). Medium intensity runway edge light with variable settings


Runway 03 & 21


eye-to wheel height up to 10' (P1) on runway 03 & 21



122.20 MHz (1245 - 0345Z*)


124.875 MHz


112.925 MHz (403.548.6636)


123.375 MHz (Arrivals/departures reports & IFR clearances 0345-1245Z* contact Edmonton radio)


* subject to change

AWWS forecast and observation


124.875 MHz (0345 - 1245Z*)


1245 -0345Z O/T


H24, issue times: 00, 06, 12, 18Z

Weather information

NAV Canada, 1.800.463.6377

Navigation aids


XH 332 (L) N50 00 47 W110 47 57 068° (2.8 nautical miles to aerodrome)


LPV, RNAV (GNSS) RWY 03 & 21