Outline plans

As a step in the land development process, outline plans are created by private developers but include more detailed information than an area structure plan (ASP). This type of plan establishes how a smaller area within the ASP boundary will be developed.

  • An outline plan is intended to expand on an approved area structure plan (ASP) by providing additional details required for full land development.
  • An outline plan establishes Land use districts, the precise location and classification of streets, and the distribution and size of the parks and school sites in the neighborhood. Private developers are responsible for establishing outline plans.
  1. A City-prepared ASP must be in place before a developer can apply for an outline plan. A pre-application meeting with Planning & Development Services is recommended. This consultation ensures both parties have a mutual understanding of all facets of the planning process, the timelines, and the required items for the outline plan.
  2. Two open houses will need to take place during the drafting of an outline plan. A first open house will take place during the preparation of the development concept. A summary of public feedback must be provided to the City for review. The second open house will take place prior to final staff review.
  3. Once the outline plan has been reviewed by planning staff for completeness and consistency with the ASP, Municipal Development Plan and other legislation, the draft outline plan will be circulated to various City departments and outside agencies for comment.
  4. Next, City staff will prepare a briefing note and ASP bylaw amendment for consideration by Council. Upon receipt of comments, it may be necessary that the applicant amend the draft outline plan and then planning staff will re-circulate the changes to City departments and agencies for review.
Plan contents
  • The outline plan will contain detailed planning analysis of the site, a detailed development concept, development constraints, environmental features, maps and appendices.
  • A policy review must be included detailing how the outline plan is in alignment with the municipal development plan and the area structure plan.
  • Any portion of a proposed outline plan that deviates from the approved ASP must contain amendments to the ASP as part of the outline plan application.
  • Any deviations from the MDP must be addressed and justification provided for not aligning with the relevant policies.
  • An outline plan will include guidance about how the land use districts of the land use bylaw are incorporated in the development concept.
Supporting documents
In addition to the components noted above, the outline plan will be supported by reports, under separate cover, for the following items:
  • Traffic Impact Assessment
  • Financial Impact Assessment
  • Functional Servicing Report
  • Geotechnical & Site Grading Report
  • Environmental Site Assessments (as required).
  • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
  • Planning level studies including; transportation, drainage and utilities.
  • Historical Resources Impact Assessment (if required) - copies of previous Historical Resources Impact Assessments shall also be submitted
  • Human Health Impact Assessment (if applicable)
What follows an outline plan?
Once an outline plan is adopted, individual land parcels must be created through subdivision. After approval, the City’s Land Use Bylaw must also be amended in order to rezone the affected parcels of land.

See entire planning and land development process

Land development process