Storage Tanks

Permits are required for the installation, removal and alteration of any storage tank.

This includes any tank containing flammable or combustible liquids with a capacity of more than 230L, including:

  • Outside above ground storage tanks (AST)
  • Underground storage tanks (UST)
  • Inside building storage tanks (BST)
  • Waste-oil storage tanks (WST)

A permit must be obtained prior to the installation, removal or alteration of a storage tank. Failure to do so is a violation of the Alberta Safety Codes Act.

Permit process

To obtain a permit to install, remove or alter a storage tank or storage tank system, the following steps shall be followed:

  1. Complete and submit the Application to Install, Remove, or Alter Storage Tanks Systems form, including one set of drawings, to Fire and Emergency Services.
  2. Submit the required documentation and details for the applicable type of installation:
  3. Documentation will be reviewed to verify full compliance to the National Fire Code - Alberta Edition. Once deemed in compliance, a storage tank installation permit will be issued.
    • There is a charge for initial plans review, as well as any subsequent reviews. An invoice will be mailed out to the applicant after plans have been approved. Please note that storage tank reviews will be invoiced at $150/tank.
  4. Installations must be performed by individuals who are certified in accordance with Standata-19-FCI-018.
  5. When the installation is complete, a site inspection is required prior to the storage tanks being filled. For a site storage tank inspection to verify that the construction was completed as per the approved plans, call 403-529-8283 a minimum of seven days prior to filling the storage tanks to schedule an inspection with a Fire Safety Codes Officer.
    • Copies of the storage tank and line testing documentation will be required for the final inspection.
  6. For tanks over 2500L, a storage tank annual operating permit will be required from Fire and Emergency Services in order to use your tank.

Professional involvement

Plans, drawings and specification shall be submitted in a complete and legible format to the Fire Prevention Branch.

As specified in Division C of the National Fire Code - Alberta Edition, most installations will require plans, drawings and specifications will be required to bear the stamp and seal of a professional engineer licensed to practice in Alberta.

Plans, drawings and specifications for all storage system installations shall include sufficient information to allow a Fire Safety Codes Officer to complete a plan examination and subsequent site inspection that verifies full compliance to the Alberta Fire Code.


Fire and Emergency Services shall be notified prior to the installation, removal or alteration of any storage tank greater than 230L.

Failure to acquire the necessary permits may result in a charge of double the normal permit fees and/or other enforcement measures in accordance with the Safety Codes Act.

Apply to Install/Remove/Alter Storage Tank Systems