Maps and GIS

Explore Medicine Hat in map form! Find location-based data on a variety of interactive and static maps. Subscribe to this page to be notified when we add a new map.

Interactive Mapping

iMap presents the city's most current geographic data in an interactive map you can search, customize and print. Turn layers on and off and click icons/markers for more information.

map of medicine hat

City iMap

Find parks and trails, garbage zones, schools, boundaries, and more!

View iMap

computer screen with map of major projects in medicine hat
Major Projects Map

Each year, the Major Projects Map is updated with the City's planned capital improvement and construction work.

road closed sign
Construction and Closures Map

Roads close for construction, emergencies, and many other reasons. Plan your route with the most up-to-date closure information.

Medicine Hat Police Logo over gradiant blue background

Crime Map

This interactive community safety tool that displays police calls for service throughout the community.

View Crime Map

flood hazard map

Alberta flood maps

The Government of Alberta offers interactive maps about flooding in the province.

View Flood Maps

Story Maps

These dynamic maps showcase points of interest in Medicine Hat.

View all Story Maps

Downtown Stories

Downtown Stories is a mobile experience that tells the stories of 17 of our downtown locations. Maps and colourful illustrations help you find your way. Access a series of mobile webpages by scanning a QR code, by texting a phone number with a key word, or through a hyperlink. It is meant to be experienced on site via a smartphone, but can also be explored from a home computer.

Downtown Stories

Find a park, trail or other city property

Use our facilities tool to find a pool, park or community centre near you. This tool uses our GIS data with quick links to Google Maps for directions on the go.

View all facilities